Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Don is entering the Foreign Service

While I'm not sure if anyone I know still reads this blog, I figured I'd put it up here anyways. So, last month I took the Foreign Service Oral Assesment and I passed. This means that pending a problem with my security clearance, medical exam, or budget cuts, I'll be entering the U.S. Foreign Service and working in Embassies and Consulates around the world. So, I kind of thought that was cool and deserved to be shared.

Peace out!


be said...

I still read this. I think it's cool.

Ronnie said...

Congratulations! What did the oral test consist of?

kel said...

That's awesome, Don! And yes, we still read this... I've just been sitting idly by my computer hoping that you'll write another post again. (Hopefully you'll actually remember who I am.) But seriously, you should post more. I was looking through some of your old ones and you're always so entertaining. Provo misses you!

Don said...

Lady and gents, great to hear from all of you. Ronnie, to answer your question, the oral exam consists of three parts. First they put me in the room with three other people, and we had to negotiate competing plans into one semi-comprehensive plan. They gave us the background info and assigned us plans. After that, I had a writing exercise where I had to read through a bunch of fake emails and memos from a fictional embassy describing a problem and write a two-page memo prescribing a course of action on the issue. Finally, I had a sit-down interview with two foreign service officers.

I was graded based on 13 dimensions they feel are essential for a foreign service officer. It was a pretty long day.

Anonymous said...

13 dimensions of compatibility?

be said...

The middle part of your oral exam doesn't sound very oral.

kel said...

But it does sound grueling.