Tuesday, November 22, 2005

So, random thing happened to me last Saturday (10/15). I was out on the National Mall as our kids were exploring the Smithsonians. If any you caught the national news, you would know that last Saturday was the 10 year anniversary/sequel to the Million Man March. For those unfamiliar with the Million Man Movement, it is a black-power rally. I got to stand in the National Mall and listen to the likes of the Rev. Al Sharpton and Minister Louis Farakhan tirade about the current administration and how they sabotaged the levees in New Orleans, etc. It was pretty cool. So of course I signed my name on one of the official rosters to say I was there and to show support for my black brothers. Word.

1 comment:

Ronnie said...

I can't believe you signed your name on that ridiculous crap about the levees. You lose 10 cool points for that.